
Hello once again, it's been quite a while since I've posted, I know, my bad.

It's just I've been pretty caught up with history and Countryhumans as said before, it intrigues me to say the least. There's so many different concepts on history, I didn't know where to start. I'll be honest, I know most events leading from the 1920's+ such as the Great Depression, the Korean war, Vietnam war, etc. I know this isn't exactly in the correct order, but it's all I can say. I don't exactly go too much into details such as who did this or that.

I know a lot about WW2. If this is triggering, please click off.

Now then, to continue this rant. There were the allies, and the other three (of which I forgot the names of but consisted of Third Reich, Imperial Japan, and Fascist Italy.) God, a lot of things went on, but like I said earlier, I won't go into detail. The one that got my attention the most was Imperial Japan. They got two nukes dropped onto them, and almost got most of Oceania during the time. Once the first nuke dropped, they didn't stopped, but the next one that came a couple of days after stopped them because no one wanted their land as a nuke wasteland, now did they? They would've lost anyway if you looked more into it, but I'm not going to say anything more.

Ciao fellow readers.


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